VOET ontwerpt Pirate Pavilion met kunstenaar Nico Dockx
— 2023

Pirate Pavilion voor Nico Dockx brengt mensen op verschillende manieren samen. Een fijnmazige staalstructuur met een licht canvas strijkt neer en nodigt uit. Er wordt bevraagd, gefeest, gecreëerd, gedeeld, gesproken, geluisterd, gegeten. Elke week worden nieuwe canvassen beschilderd als getuige van wat er in het paviljoen gebeurt.
Het paviljoen vertrekt vanuit het idee van nabijheid en verbinding. Terwijl het toch ook het samenzijn monumentaliseert. Verschillende patronen en ritmes werden onderzocht volgens de verhoudingen van Dom Hans van der Laan. In de zomer van 2023 streek het Pirate Pavilion neer in het stadspark van Waregem, in de zomer van 2024 zal het verder reizen naar de triënnale van Kortrijk.
- Coordinator: Be-Part
- Visual Artist, Curator: Nico Dockx
- Design: VOET architectuur and Nico Dockx
- Realization: Studio Zuidervaart
- Stability engineer: Dirk Jaspaert
- Print work: Fotorama

The pavilion was designed to have minimal impact on the surroundings. The total surface area is 144.4 m2. Its canvas roof is supported by twenty-five slender steel columns (560 cm high), while four wooden buttresses provide stability. Claessens Canvas has provided eighteen multi-purpose painting canvases measuring 200 x 320 cm that will hang between the columns.

In een reeks maquettes gingen VOET en Nico Dockx op zoek naar de essentie van architectuur: het creëren, 'omkleden' en zacht omschrijven van een plek. Hier met canvassen die in de loop van een maand beschilderd worden vanuit verschillende creatieve processen.

1. VOET organiseerde er ook: ARCHITECTUUR TEKENEN MET Caroline Voet, Hera Van Sande, Floris De Bruyn, Saar Meganck en Wim Goes
Five architects use drawing to unravel the insights that inspire their practice and research. You are invited to sketch with them and, pencil in hand, to dissect a range of architectural principles. The architects all take a philosophical stance towards looking and designing. This is not only ingrained in their architectural practices but also their work at KU Leuven, Faculty of Architecture, Campus Sint-Lucas Ghent, more specifically the Structural Contingencies studio environment and research group.
Five architects use drawing to unravel the insights that inspire their practice and research. You are invited to sketch with them and, pencil in hand, to dissect a range of architectural principles. The architects all take a philosophical stance towards looking and designing. This is not only ingrained in their architectural practices but also their work at KU Leuven, Faculty of Architecture, Campus Sint-Lucas Ghent, more specifically the Structural Contingencies studio environment and research group.

1. VOET organiseerde er ook: ARCHITECTUUR TEKENEN MET Caroline Voet, Hera Van Sande, Floris De Bruyn, Saar Meganck en Wim Goes
Five architects use drawing to unravel the insights that inspire their practice and research. You are invited to sketch with them and, pencil in hand, to dissect a range of architectural principles. The architects all take a philosophical stance towards looking and designing. This is not only ingrained in their architectural practices but also their work at KU Leuven, Faculty of Architecture, Campus Sint-Lucas Ghent, more specifically the Structural Contingencies studio environment and research group.
Five architects use drawing to unravel the insights that inspire their practice and research. You are invited to sketch with them and, pencil in hand, to dissect a range of architectural principles. The architects all take a philosophical stance towards looking and designing. This is not only ingrained in their architectural practices but also their work at KU Leuven, Faculty of Architecture, Campus Sint-Lucas Ghent, more specifically the Structural Contingencies studio environment and research group.