Office at: Hopland 61 b2, 2000 Antwerpen.
VOET architectuur BV: BTW BE 0754 596 553
VOET objects BV: BTW BE 1009 762 080
Caroline Voet, Founder, Architect PhD |
Maria Van Buul, Architect |
Previous collaborators
Marjolein Geyskens, Joshua Kempen, Yasmine Maleki, Jurre Bros, Hannah Adam, Annelies Belemans, Jins Callebaut, Jana De Mulder, Julie De Raedt, Stella De Reuver, Thomas Dreezen, Sandra De Jager, Koen Jacobs, Anahita Kamali, Sony Kitoko, Angelica Magrini, Laura Steenbeke, Tom Van Puyvelde, Julie Weyts.
Awards and selected competitions
2019 | exhibition A House for the Mind, Doornburgh, The Netherlands: De Volkskrant 5* (must see). Curator Caroline Voet, scenografie Voet en De Brabandere. |
2018 | DAM Architectural Book of the Year Award for 'A House for the Mind' |
2017 | ULTIMA in the field of Living Heritage, Cultural Award for Museum Plantin Moretus (with Voet en De Brabandere) |
2017 | First Prize scenography laBiomista cultural park for artist Koen Vanmechelen (with Voet en De Brabandere) |
2016 | First Prize for “Herkomst Herinneren”, an installation at the Red Star Line Museum Antwerp (with Voet en De Brabandere) |
2015 | Henry van de Velde Label for the chair STOOL |
2014 | Selected by Design Flanders as Young Design Talent. First prize for the scenography of the Manneken Pis Museum in Brussels (with Voet en De Brabandere) |
2009 | Chicago Good Design, GIO, Goed Industrieel Ontwerp, Henry van de Velde Label for the table Ahrend philink, (with Jeroen Theuns) |
2008 | INTERIEUR 08: 1st prize for the scenography, (with Jeroen Theuns) |
2006 | Caroline Voet, Jeroen Theuns with Robbrecht en Daem Architecten, CINEMATEK: first prize for the museography |
2006 | ‘Monumenten en Welstandsprijs’ Antwerp, nomination for the reconversion of two houses from 1882 |
2001 | Laureate PRIX GODECHARLE architecture, for the project ‘Cybernautica’ |
1998 | Alex Stanhope Forbes Prize for the project ‘Fyber Space’, Architectural Association, London |
2020 | Voet, Caroline, "Symposium on The Practice of Architectural Research", KU Leuven in collaboration with Universiteit Antwerpen, 10/10/2020 |
2020 | Voet, Caroline, "Architectuur is leven en leven is architectuur. Ode aan Marie-José van Hee", Archipel, 20/02/220, Ghent, Belgium |
2019 | Voet, Caroline, member of Scientific Committee, 2019 ACSA/EAAE Teachers Conference, chair and curator of the poster sessions and exhibition, Antwerp, Belgium |
2019 | Voet, Caroline, “The City and the Room. Taking back Dom Hans van der Laan’s Architectonic Space to its Eastern roots”; Paper presented at Holy Spaces. On the Construction of Sacred Architecture, Politecnico Milano, Italy |
2018 | Lecture Series on Dom Hans van der Laan, Estonian Academy of Arts Faculty of Architecture, Estonia — Link |
2018 | Study weekend: “Het Plastisch Getal in de Praktijk. De ontwerpnamiddagen van de CKA”; Expert sessions organised at Roosenberg Abbey for practicing architects and teachers on the Plastic Number, Belgium |
2018 | Lecture Series on Dom Hans van der Laan, Cologne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, TH Cologne, Prof. Paul Böhm, lecture series Philosophy of Architecture, Germany |
2018 | Lecture Series on Dom Hans van der Laan, TU Eindhoven, Department of the Built environment, Haike Apelt, The Netherlands |
2018 | Guided tour on Dom Hans van der Laan, Rapin Saiz Architects, 40 students Sact Gallen Technisch Hoghschule, Belgium |
2018 | Lecture Series on Dom Hans van der Laan, Archipel, Abdij Roosenberg, Belgium |
2018 | Triennale Brughes, Discussion Panel with curators Abdelkader Damani, Till-Holger Borchert, Michel Dewilde, Brughes, Belgium |
2018 | Voet, Caroline, "On grids and patterns. Transformative formations between theory and practice", Leipniz University Hannover, DARA 8 Processes, Germany |
2017 | Lecture Series on Dom Hans van der Laan, Liverpool University, Prof. Patrick Lynch, United Kingdom |
2017 | Lecture Series on Dom Hans van der Laan, Hasselt, Faculteit Architectuur, Maria Leus, Belgium |
2017 | Voet, Caroline, "Between lectern and landscape. A new scenography for Museum Plantin Moretus in Antwerp", ICAMT International conference, Sustainable renovation and museumtechiques in an international perspective, Belgium |
2016 | Guided tour on Dom Hans van der Laan, School of Architecture and Landscape, Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture, Kingston University, London, with Bruno Silvestre and 16 students, Belgium |
2016 | Guided tour on Dom Hans van der Laan, Fachhochschule Münster, Fachbereich Architektur, Department Design Basics, Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Christian Schmitz, 34 teachers/students, Belgium |
2016 | Lecture Series, workshop and guided tour on Dom Hans van der Laan, Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Christian Kerez (ETH Zürich), together with Architectuurwijzer with 38 students MA1, Structural Contingencies, KU Leuven, Faculty of Architecture, Campus Sint-Lucas, Belgium |
2016 | Guided tour on Dom Hans van der Laan, 6a Architects & co, London, for 7 architects, Belgium |
2016 | Voet, Caroline, Biennale de Venezia, Belgian Pavilion, presentation "Voet, Caroline, De Caigny, Sofie, Schrijver, Lara and Vandermarliere, Katrien (eds.), Autonomous Architecture in Flanders. The Early Works of Marie-José Van Hee, Christian Kieckens, Marc Dubois, Paul Robbrecht and Hilde Daem", (Leuven: Universitaire Pers Leuven / Antwerp: VAi), Italy |
2016 | Guided tour on Dom Hans van der Laan, Technische Universität München, Department of Architecture, Chair for Urbanism and Housing, Studio Krucker Bates, 15 April 2016, 30 students with Prof. Stephen Bates, Belgium |
2015 | Guided tour on Dom Hans van der Laan, Faculty of Architecture of the Technical University of Kaiserslautern in Gemany, 45 persons, Belgium |
2015 | Guided tour on Dom Hans van der Laan, Université de Liège, Faculté Architecture, 30 March 2015, 110 persons, Belgium |
2015 | Guided tour on Dom Hans van der Laan, Architectural offices, for example: Carl-Uiggo Hoelmebakk (NO), ONO (BE) and Stramien (BE), Belgium |
2014 | Lecture Series on Dom Hans van der Laan, Warsaw Polytechnica, Faculty of Architecture, Warsaw, Poland |
2014 | Voet, Caroline, "Architectural modernity through religious traditions. The peculiar blend in Dom Hans van der Laan’s Architectonic Space", paper presented at Intellectual Hinterlands, International Society for Intellectual History 2014 Conference, Victoria College, Toronto, Canada |
2014 | Guided tour on Dom Hans van der Laan, Nationaal Bureau voor Kerkelijk Cultureel Erfgoed van de Italiaanse Bisschoppenconferentie, 75 persons, Belgium |
2014 | Guided tour on Dom Hans van der Laan, Antwerp Architects, 60 persons, Belgium |
2013 | Lecture Series on Dom Hans van der Laan, Leibniz University Hannover, Facultät für Architectur und Landschaft Institut für Entwerfen und Gebäudelhere, Germany |
2013 | Lecture Series on Dom Hans van der Laan, for Capita Selecta organised by the VAi (Flemish Architecture Institute) and Artesis Hogeschool in deSingel, Antwerp, Belgium |
2013 | Guided tour on Dom Hans van der Laan, l’Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris la Villette, Belgium |
2013 | Guided tour on Dom Hans van der Laan, Architecture at the Dublin School of Architecture at DIT in Dublin, Ireland, 46 students and 3 staff, Belgium |
2012 | Guided tour on Dom Hans van der Laan, Università della Svizzera italiana, Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio, 4 teachers and 30 students, Belgium |
2012 | Voet, Caroline, "Research on Space as a productive design tool, Re-introducing aesthetics into the design studio", in Theory by Design, Architectural Research made explicit in the design teaching studio. In De Vos, E. (Ed.), De Walsche, J. (Ed.), Michels, M. (Ed.), Verbruggen, S. (Ed.) Theory by Design - Architectural Research made explicit in the design teaching studio. Antwerp, 29-31: Antwerp University Association, 10-110, Belgium |
2012 | Voet, Caroline, Schoonjans, Yves, "Benedictine thought as a catalyst for 20st Century liturgical space. The motivations behind Dom Hans van der Laan’s ascetic church architecture", in Proceedings of the Second International Conference of the European Architectural History Network, ed. Heynen, Hilde and Gosseye Janina, p225-261, Leuven: KU Leuven, Faculty of Architecture; Brussels: Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie van België voor wetenschappen en Kunsten, Belgium |
2012 | Guided tour on Dom Hans van der Laan, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Facultät für Architectur und Landschaft Institut für Entwerfen und Gebäudelhere, Prof. Hilde Léon, 32 teachers and students, Belgium |
2012 | Guided Tour for the EAHN Conference 2012, Dom Hans van der Laan in Flanders, 20 persons, Belgium |
2011 | Voet, Caroline, "Proportion as a practical design tool: Dom Hans van der Laan’s Architectonic Space", conference proceedings, International conference on Proportional Systems in the History of Architecture, University Leiden, 17-19, The Netherlands |
2011 | Voet, Caroline, Schoonjans, Yves, "El espacio arquitectónico de Dom Hans van der Laan Como interpretación contemporánea de connaissance poetique en la arquitectura sacra", Actas del Congreso Internacional de Arquitectura Religiosa Contemporánea: Vol. núm. 2-II, Spain — Link |
2009 | Voet, Caroline, "Jesu Moder Marias Convent at Mariavall, Sweden, as a research field for the correlation between theory and practice in the later stages of the work of Dom Hans van der Laan", conference proceedings, International Symposium: The Jesu Moder Marias Convent as a specimen of Architectonic Space, Tomelilla, Sweden, Van der Laan Stichting, Beek, 2010, ISBN 978-90-815167-1-6, The Netherlands |
2009 | Voet, Caroline, Schoonjans, Yves, "Architectonic Space as a contemporary interpretation of connaissance poetique within sacred architecture. Objectivism and form abstraction/concretisation in the work of Dom Hans van der Laan", in Cobián, E. (Ed.), Contemporary religious architecture- between concept and idea/ arquitectura religiosa contemporanea- entre el concepto y la identitad, 12-14, 1-10, United Kingdom — Link |
2009, 2008, 2007, 2006 | Voet, Caroline, "IMA SUMMIS, Dom Hans van der Laan as a teacher, reflections on his methodology within a contemporary architectural discourse", in Proceedings of Four EAAE-ENHSA Subnetwork Workshops on Architectural Theory, Hasselt (2006), Trondheim (2007), Lisbon (2008), Fribourg (2009), ed. by Hilde Heynen and Alex Rauta, Transactions on Architectural Education no.43, 2010, 146-154, ISBN 978-2-930301-40-2, Switzerland, Portugal, Norway, Belgium |
2003-2005 | Assistant at the VUB Free University of Brussels, Faculty of Architectural Engineering, Belgium |
2003 | Guest teacher at the Architectural Association Intermediate Unit 4 (3rd year), London, United Kingdom |
2002 | Workshop leader at the Symposium HITEC LOTEC in Bristol, United Kingdom |
2001-2002 | Teacher at the Architectural Association, Diploma Unit 5 (4th and 5th year), with Christian Kieckens, architectural design, United Kingdom |
2001 | Guest teacher in first year, studio 5, at the Architectural Association, London, United Kingdom |
2000-2001 | Guest teacher at DRL Graduate School, Architectural Association, London, United Kingdom |
1999 | Guest teacher at the Henry van de Velde Institute, Antwerp, Belgium |
1999-2000 | Guest teacher in Foundation at the Architectural Association, London, United Kingdom |
2020 | Voet, Caroline, "Architecture Drawing Life: The Concrete Spatial Patterns in Dom Hans van der Laan’s Crypt at Vaals", in "JoCA Issue 6", Canalside Press 2020, 34-43 |
2020 | Voet, Caroline, "In Memorian: Christian Kieckens", in A+, published 26/05/2020 — Link |
2020 | Voet, Caroline, "Een gebouw dat leegte toelaat, Thys Vermeulen, Town hall extension, Langemark", in: A+ 282, February-March 2020, 22-26 |
2020 | Voet, Caroline, "Architectuur is leven en leven is architectuur", in: Cahier 008, Januari 2020, 19-22 |
2019 | Voet, Caroline, "Ongedwongen Stedelijkheid", in "Hedendaagse Architectuur in Leuven 2015-2019", Leuven: 22-31 |
2019 | Voet, Caroline, “Une écriture precise. The work of LR Architects”. In: A+, 2019, 78-83 |
2019 | Voet, Caroline, "Dom Hans van der Laan. Drawing the Scottish Tartan", Published online on Drawing Matter — Link |
2019 | Voet, Caroline and Schoonjans, Yves. “Dom Hans van der Laan - zijn invloed op de na-oorlogse kerkenproductie in het gebied tussen Maas en Rijn”, In Jacobs, J., "Kerken bouwen langs Maas en Rijn na 1945. Kirchenbau an Maas und Rhein nach 1945", Leuven: Leuven University Press, KADOCArtes-series Vol. 18, 175-195 — Link |
2019 | Voet, Caroline, book review on Michel Remery, “Katholieke architectuur in de twintigste eeuw. De vier architecten van de Leidse familie Van der Laan”, Verloren, Hilversum 2018, in: Leiden: Brill Journal, 64-65 |
2018 | Voet, Caroline, “Classic Modernism. Léon Stynen’s Houses”, in "Léon Stynen. A Life of Architecture, 1899-1990", Antwerp: VAi, 234-245 |
2018 | Voet, Caroline, “Fuel for a Novel Design Strategy. On spatial patterns and structural knots”, in M. Buchert (ed), "Processes of Reflexive Design", Berlin: Jovis, 76-92 |
2018 | Voet, Caroline. “Between Looking and Making: Unravelling Dom Hans van der Laan’s Plastic Number”, in Cohen, Matthew A. and Delbeke, Maarten (eds.), "Proportional Systems in the History of Architecture. New Approaches and Considerations, Architectural Histories”, Leiden: Leiden University Press, 463-492 |
2018 | Voet, Caroline, “Zoeken naar de zeggingskracht van de ruimte. De architectuur van Dom Hans van der Laan”, Ons Erfdeel, Vol. 61, 52-63 |
2017 | Voet, Caroline, “Dom Hans van der Laan. A House for the Mind. A design manual on Roosenberg Abbey”, Antwerp: VAi Publishers |
2017 | Voet, Caroline, “The Benedictine Monk who showed us how to build. Dom Hans van der Laan”, The Low Countries: Arts and Society in Flanders and The Netherlands, vol. 26, 289-290 |
2017 | Voet, Caroline, “Una Casa per lo Spirito”, Domus, iss. 1018, 34-38 |
2017 | Voet, Caroline, "Dom Hans van der Laan’s Architectonic Space: A peculiar Blend of Architectural Modernity and Religious Tradition", MIT Press, Volume 22, Issue 3, The European Legacy. Towards New Paradigms, ed. Rajesh Heynickx and Stéphane Symons, 318-338 |
2016 | Voet, Caroline, De Caigny, Sofie, Schrijver, Lara and Vandermarliere, Katrien (eds.), “Autonomous Architecture in Flanders. The Early Works of Marie-José Van Hee, Christian Kieckens, Marc Dubois, Paul Robbrecht and Hilde Daem”, Leuven: Universitaire Pers Leuven / Antwerp: VAi |
2016 | Voet, Caroline, "Architecture between Dwelling and Spatial Systematics. The early work of the generation of ‘74", in Voet, Caroline, De Caigny, Sofie, Schrijver, Lara and Vandermarliere, Katrien (eds.), "Autonomous Architecture in Flanders. The Early Works of Marie-José Van Hee, Christian Kieckens, Marc Dubois, Paul Robbrecht and Hilde Daem", Leuven: Universitaire Pers Leuven / Antwerp: VAi |
2016 | Voet, Caroline, “Dom Hans van der Laan, Tomelilla. A theory of architecture and its practical implementation”, Amsterdam: Architectura en Natura, Language: English and Dutch |
2016 | Voet, Caroline, “Between Looking and Making: Unravelling Dom Hans van der Laan’s Plastic Number.” in Cohen, Matthew A. and Delbeke, Maarten (eds.), "Proportional Systems in the History of Architecture. New Approaches and Considerations, Architectural Histories", Leiden: Leiden University Press, 463-492. Published online on EAHN Journal Architectural Histories, vol4, issue1 — Link |
2015 | Voet, Caroline, “Nabijheid”, A+ 250, Sacrale Atmosferen, 34-36 |
2015 | Voet, Caroline and Van der Laan, Hans jr., “Dom Hans van der Laan. Der Architekt und Benediktinermönch suchte nach universellen Prinzipien in der Architektur”, Baumeister 8, Erhabene Räume, jg 112, 10-15 |
2015 | Voet, Caroline, “Between Ima Summis and nearness. Dom Hans van der Laan’s Roosenberg Abbey as an example of a contemporary space of worship”, Bloomsbury Journals, Spaces of Faith, Vol. 6 Issue 3, 259-288 |
2014 | Voet, Caroline, “Small Architectural Situations: Living (together), Between Type and Topos”, in Architectuurboek Vlaanderen N°11. Embedded Architectures,131-157. Antwerp: VAi |
2014 | Voet, Caroline and Schoonjans, Yves, “Architectonic Space as a contemporary interpretation of connaissance poetique within sacred architecture”, in Between Concept and Identity, ed. Fernandez-Cobian, Esteban, 199-212. Newcastle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing |
2013 | PHd, Voet, Caroline, Verpoest, Luc (supervisor), Schoonjans, Yves (supervisor), Between the Lines and its Margins. Spatial Systematics in the Work of Dom Hans van der Laan (1904-1991), PhD delivered to obtain the degree of Doctor in the Engineering Sciences, KULeuven |
2012 | Voet, Caroline, “The poetics of order. Dom Hans van der Laans’ Architectonic Space”, In Architectural Research Quarterly 02, Vol. 16, 137-154, Cambridge University Press |
2009 | Voet, Caroline, “Dom Hans van der Laan en zijn publicaties over kerkelijke architectuur in L’ Art d’Eglise”, in "Cum tanta sit in amiciata vera perfectio", (Liber Amicorum for Prof. Em. Raoul Bauer), ed. Dominique and Mikael Bauer, 102-133. Kapellen: Pelckmans |
2008 | Voet, Caroline, “Abdij Roosenberg IV: een huis voor de geest”, Thematismos 9-10, Beek: Van der Laan Stichting 18-27. Also published in: Dom van der Laan in Waasmunster, ed. De Haan, Hilde and Haagsma, Ids, 60-71. Haarlem: Architext, 2012 |
2001 | Voet, Caroline, “Cybernautica”, in Belgium New Architecture. Brussels: Prisme Editions |
2001 | Voet, Caroline, “Cybernautica”, in Defining Digital Architecture, 2000 Feidad Award, Taipei: Dialogue |
1999-1998 | “Bussiness-Research-Architecture, Projects from the Design Research Lab.” Patrick Schumacher, ed. In: Daidalos 69/70 |